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Q: What need did the feudal arrangement fill?
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To have saftey and to show there welfare.

Why did they need a feudal system and why did they have it?

come on answer im in need of homework answers Age 14

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noble gases

What was the life of an artisan like in feudal Japan?

An artisan in Feudal Japan would have been constantly on the move. Small settlements meant a need to travel in search of reliable work.

When atoms form bonds and fill their outermost energy levels they have an electronic arrangement similar to that of a what?

Similar to a fat woman trying to do a handstand

When atoms form bonds and fill their outermost energy levels they have an electronic arrangement similar to what?

Their electronic configuration is similar to that of noble gases.

Where did the feudal system exist?

feudal is the answer

What need does the ute fill?

i doesn't fill any needs i doesn't fill any needs