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The physical and psychological characteristics/traits .

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Q: What needs to be considered when drawing an animated character?
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If something looks strikingly similar to a character but has no trademarks of that character is it considered copyrighted?

A drawing of a mouse wearing pants who otherwise bears little resemblance to Mickey Mouse should be subject to its own copyright protection. However, there's no telling "how different" something needs to be before it's no longer thought of as a derivative of another work.

Belle was a character in which animated film?

Belle is the main character in Beauty and the Beast. She is a the perfect girl with a crazy father and a concieted admirer who agrees to stay with a beast (who used to be a prince but was cursed) He needs to fall in love before the enchanted flower dies.

This drawing is to scale it shows the distance between the planets than they actually are?

There needs to be a drawing before an answer can be given.

What do you need for an animated movie?

needs to be funny and like howls moving castle

What is draw poker?

A poker user is drawing if they have a hand which needs further cards to develop valuable and deficient. The hand is called a draw or drawing hand.

What is the close and open tolerance in drawing?

Hi all.. here is the answer.. Open tolerance: These are the tolerance which needs only minor concentration from operator and QC. For ex. as per customer drawing, there may be some tolerance which has variation more than + or -1 mm.. this can be easily achieved.. Close Tolerance: These are very crucial dimension which needs utmost effort and usually tolerances below +or - 1mm shall be considered as close tolerance.

Who was credited with drawing up the US constitution?

this website needs 2 have more answers

Is Odysseus considered the first modern hero of all time?

Depends on how you look at his character, was he doing this for the right reason or for his own selfish needs? There are many things that can classify him as a hero or as an anti hero.

What needs to be considered when carrying out a risk assessment in a salon?

When carrying out a risk assessment in a salon the staff needs to be considered. The stockroom and all other areas also need to be considered.

What is the difference from a regular 2 pencil and drawing pencil for art?

A regular #2 school type pencil lacks the amount of graphite that is in a typical drawing pencil. A higher level of graphite is necessary for longevity of the artwork and for contrast in the drawing.

Why is poof not a main fairy odd parents character?

Because a character needs to be on for a full season before it can be called a main character. It can only be a main character for seasons completed from start to finish.

The length of the minor arc is 48 cm What is the circumference of Z?

As you were copying the question, did you notice the drawing alongside it ? Well, see, that sketch is actually part of the question; anybody who wants to try and answer it needs to see that drawing.