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There have been many negative impacts that population density has had on Japan. The spread of disease was quickened by population density for example.

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Q: What negative impact has population density had on Japan?
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Does japan have the lowest population density?

No, Mongolia has the lowest population density of any country at 1.7/km2. Japan actually has the 23rd largest population density of any country.

Where are areas of high population density generally located in japan?

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Where are areas of high population density located in japan?

high areas of population density in Japan are generally located in Tokyo, Japans capital. high areas of population density in japan are generally located in Tokyo, Japans capital.

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What is the population density in Japan?

337 people per square kilometer

The high population density in Japan has?

caused a rise in "housing prices" .

How does japan's low arable land affect it population density?

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What is the population density of Japan in 2009?

873 persons per square mile.

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