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Q: What nerve controls digestion?
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What parts of the nervous system controls digestion?

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for digestion. The GI tract is innervated by the Gastric nerve, otherwise known as the Vagus nerve.

What primarily controls the digestion system?

Digestion is controlled by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

What cranial nerve is not in involved in either taste or smell?

Optic Nerve = Vision Oculomotor Nerve = Eye movement; pupil constriction Trochlear Nerve = Eye movement Trigeminal Nerve = Somatosensory information (touch, pain) from the face and head; muscles for chewing. Abducens Nerve = Eye Movement Vestibulocochlear Nerve = Hearing; balance Vagus Nerve = Sensory, motor and autonomic functions of viscera (glands, digestion, heart rate) Spinal Accessory Nerve = Controls muscles used in head movement. Hypoglossal Nerve = Controls muscles of tongue

What cranial nerve controls the ears?

auditory nerve

What nerve controls quadriceps muscle group?

Femoral nerve

Which cranial nerve controls both body balance and hearing?

I believe that the vestibulocochlear nerve controls balance and hearing.

What is an abducent nerve?

An abducent nerve is a nerve which controls the lateral rectus muscle in the eye.

Which cranial nerve is involved when disgesting?

The cranial nerve X (Vagus Nerve) is involved for digestion. It stimulates the stomach and releases gastric juices including water, pepsin and hydrochloric acid which is needed for digestion.

Function of abducens nerve?

Causes abduction of the eyeball. So named: abducens nerve

Is the endocrine system controls the body through nerve impulses?

The nervous system controls the body through nerve impulses. The endocrine system controls the body through hormones.

Cranial nerve for sense of hearing?

The vestibulocochlear cranial nerve controls hearing.

Does the cerebellum controls the heart rate?

No. The medulla controls heart rate, along with breathing and digestion.