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The Vagus Nerve (Number 10 or X)

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14y ago

the Vagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve X)

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11y ago

Vagus(X). Definitely the vagus nerve.

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Q: What nerve is responsible for slowing the heart rate?
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What cranial nerve is responsible for slowing the heart rate and accelerating peristalsis?


Which nerve controls speeding up or slowing down of the heart?

The Vagus nerve is the nerve that acts to lower the heart rate. It is part of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Do the vagus nerve increase heart rate?

it decreased heart rate , since vagus nerve innervate parasympathetic never and we know parasympathetic nerve reduce heart rate.

Can someone really DIE from a kick in the stomach?

Yes you could. Kicking in the stomach activates the nerve call Vagus nerve (CN 10). This nerves inhibits the heart by slowing down the heart rate. If the blow on the stomach is too strong, then it could cause heart arrest.

Does the vagus nerve carry impulses that increase heart rate?

Does the vagus nerve carry impules that increase the heart rate

Why is the nerve releases acelycholine to reduce heart rate?

The peripheral autonomic nerve releases acelycholine to reduce the heart rate.

What happens to your heart rate when you innervate your vagus nerve?

Stimulation of the vagus nerve decreases heart rate. The vagus nerve is an important part of the parasympathetic nervous system.

What is the effect of cooling on pulse rate?

Cooling slows heart rate, thus slowing the pulse rate.

What reduce the workload of the heart by slowing the rate of the heartbeat?

A beta-blocker

What reduces the workload of the heart by slowing the rate of the heartbeat?


What causes the heart's pacemaker to change the rate at which the heart beats?

Nerves The sympatetic nerve increases the SA node to speed up the heart rate The parasympathetic nerve uses the vagus nerve which decreases HR

Does color affect heart rate?

Yes it does. The brain will associate color with memories, affecting the heart slowing or quickening your pulse rate.