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nerve pathways

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Q: What nerve routes are followed by nerve impulses passing through the nervous system?
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What are the routes followed by nerve impulses as they pass through the nervous system?

Nerve pathways

The process by which neural impulses are transmitted through the nervous system is best described as?

The process by which neural impulses are transmitted through the nervous system is best described as electric impulses. Any damage to a nerve in the system will cause a breakdown in communication between nerve ending and the brain.

Is the endocrine system controls the body through nerve impulses?

The nervous system controls the body through nerve impulses. The endocrine system controls the body through hormones.

What do both the endocrine and nervous systems allow you to do?

The endocrine and nervous systems allow your body to regulate body functions. The endocrine system does so through hormones, and the nervous system through nervous impulses.

A collection of nerve fibers through which impulses travel between the central nervous system and other parts of the body?

nervous system

What is the basic unit of the nervous system that facilitates nerve impulses through the body?


How impulses are transmitted and generated?

the brain sends electrical shocks through our nervous system that tells our body how to move, and when to do it.

difference between endocrine and nervous system?

These two systems use different transmitters, which are chemical messengers called hormones in the endocrine system, and neurotransmitters that are followed by electrical impulses in the nervous system. The two paths that these two devices use are also completely different. Hormones travel throughout the body through the blood, while neurons transmit information through the nervous system

How is it possible for the GI tract to have complete reflex arcs without having to pass impulses through the central nervous system?


What is a specialized cell that conducts impulses through the nervous system?

Neurons transmit and receive signals in the nervous system

What makes skeletal muscles move?

The nervous system produces electrical impulses which make muscles move through a sliding filament mechanism.

In the book the pearl why is the town like a nervous system?

The town in "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck is compared to a nervous system because news and gossip travel rapidly through its inhabitants, just like how impulses travel through a nervous system. It highlights the interconnectedness of the community and how quickly information can spread.