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For CH 12 of A&P the correct answer is: Sensory Neurons.

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Q: What neurons form the afferent division of the PNS?
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What type of neurons form the afferent division of the PNS?


Why sensory neurons are called as afferent neurons?

The reason why Sensory neurons are called as afferent neurons is:_ Afferent Neurons mean the neurons carries the nerve impulse toward the brain (CNS) or the spinal cord (PNS)._ Sensory which always begins from the outside spaces, or peripheral places outside from CNS or PNS, need to be carried to CNS or PNS to analyze.That's the reason why they called sensory neurons as afferent neurons which bring sensor toward the brain or spinal cord and it's exactly the way where sensory goes

The motor neurons of the efferent division of the pns carry?

They carry instructions from the CNS to muscles, glands, and adipose tissue.

Which ganglion is unipolar?

The afferent nerve of the PNS have the pseudounipolar cells.

How do the types of neurons found in the CNS and pns differ in their function?

Sensory (afferent) neurons conduct sensory information toward the CNS.The brain and spinal cord contain interneurons. These receive information and if they are sufficiently stimulated, they stimulate other neurons.Motor neurons (efferent neurons) send information from interneurons to muscle or gland cells (effectors).

An impulse reaches the CNS from the PNS via the?

Afferent nerves

What is the portion of the neuron that accepts incoming impulses?

The receptor is the part of the neuron (usually a dendrite) that detects a stimulus. Dendrites are extensions of the main cellular body of the neuron called the soma; the impulse is passed on to another neuron at the other end, which is called the axon. Neurons transmit impulses to each other via electro-chemical connections to each other that are known as synapses.

What are collections of neurons?

nuclei in the CNS, ganglia in the PNS

What supports neurons in PNS ganglia?

neurogilial cells

What is neuroglial cells that form the fatty myelin sheath on the neurons of the brain and spinal cord called?

Schwann cells (PNS)

What is controlled by the somatic division of the PNS?

Somatic nervous system

What do PNS motor neurons do?

These neurons connect the CNS to various muscles and glands throughout the body.