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Rural Electrification Act

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Q: What new deal program brought electricity to rural areas of the southeast?
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What new deal program delt with electricity?

There were two major agencies for electricity during the New Deal. The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) brought electricity to isolated farm regions that were of no interest to private utility companies because of the cost and not much profit to the company. The largest government utility provider was the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). It was created to harness the rivers in the Tennessee Valley area and provide electricity to the people living in those areas, some of the poorest in the nation. A system of dams would be created on the rivers to control the floods and to generate electricity. The low cost electricity brought the Valley into the 20th Century and provided the means for other companies to open in that area, thus providing employment to the people.

What other areas of the world were threatened by Communism at the time of iron curtain?

Southeast Asia and that is one reason the Vietnam war took place.

What was the beleaguered social compact?

a program eliminating well paid manufacturing jobs to shift production toward low wage areas of the U.S. and overseas.

What was the impact of ngoni migration?

1.ngoni brought war to a pieceful areas. 2.destruction of properties 3.introduced of new culture 4.spread of ngoni language 5.intermarriage

What impact did the loyalist have on Canada?

The impact was that they brought a new language and ways of doing things. They also made the population mostly British loyalists which mad the place better for the british. They also populated areas very much.

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What program control flooding promoted concentration camp brought electricity to rule areas and southern states?

Tennessee Valley Authority

What was an important result of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936?

Most of the rural areas of the southeast received electricity

What program was put together to provide jobs and electricity to rural areas of the United States?

Tennessee valley authority

Did the rural electification provide electricity to the rural areas?

Rural electrification is, by definition, the bringing of electricity to rural areas. Of course, not all rural areas are brought onto the grid at the same time, because such programs are staggered to avoid overloading the grid and causing blackouts. Other areas are just hard to electrify because of their physical characteristics, and require substantial work to install the equipment necessary to electrify them.

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A southeast wind is from the southeast toward the northwest.

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Electricity is the flow of electrons from areas of high potential to areas of low potential.

What new deal program delt with electricity?

There were two major agencies for electricity during the New Deal. The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) brought electricity to isolated farm regions that were of no interest to private utility companies because of the cost and not much profit to the company. The largest government utility provider was the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). It was created to harness the rivers in the Tennessee Valley area and provide electricity to the people living in those areas, some of the poorest in the nation. A system of dams would be created on the rivers to control the floods and to generate electricity. The low cost electricity brought the Valley into the 20th Century and provided the means for other companies to open in that area, thus providing employment to the people.

Why was electricity introduced to urban areas before rural areas?

Electricity was introduced in urban areas before rural areas as there is more population in urban areas. This would mean that there is therefore more demand. Also, in rural areas, it can be harder and less cost effective to provide electricity as it may be just a small cluster of houses.