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a program eliminating well paid manufacturing jobs to shift production toward low wage areas of the U.S. and overseas.

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Q: What was the beleaguered social compact?
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An example sentence of beleaguered in verb?

The small town was beleaguered by endless storms that caused widespread flooding and destruction.

Sentence using beleaguered?

The beleaguered patrol was rescued just in time! I was most amused to observe the mockingbirds as they beleaguered the intrusive crow.

Can you write a sentence for beleaguered?

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The Mayflower Compact was an example of?

The Mayflower Compact was an example of a social contract.

What was the first written constitution in America?

The Mayflower Compact was NOT a constitution. It was a social agreement. The answer is the Articles of Confederation.

What is a sentence with the word beleagured?

I think you mean beleaguered, which means beseiged. The beleaguered troops were relieved to see the approaching Marines.

What aspect of the Mayflower compact led to it's influence on the writers of the US?

It was a social compact between settlers

What aspect of the Mayflower compact led to influence on the writers of the US constitution?

It was a social compact between settlers

What aspect of the Mayflower Compact led to its influence on the writers of the US Constitution?

It was a social compact between settlers

What is the social impact of Bangladesh's constitution?

very compact

What does compact mean in social studies?

It means settlement

What aspect of the Mayflower Compact led to its influence on the writers of the United states Constitution?

It was a social compact between settlers.