

What new planets are there?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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10y ago

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There are 3 new planets one is called ryan waldock and one is called bob waldock and another is called jimmy savile

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Q: What new planets are there?
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Are there any new planets?

No... There are no new planets!

How many new planets?

there is 7 new planets

What are the two new planets in the solar system?

Well, we cannot say that they are two new planets but they are new discoveries and considered as dwarf planets. Xena and Ceres

Is there any possibility for the creation of new planets now?

yes, in 2015 scientists think new planets will be created

Did NASA launch a probe to search for new planets?

NASA has launched the Kepler mission to search for new planets.

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There are no known new planets. However, planets that are new for us, i.e. that were not previously known, are discovered, at a rate of several hundred planets a year. In other words, there is no "the" new planet.

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Ptolemey is a scientist that studied the planets and he discovered new planets in place.

Will the planets ever turn into sand and start new planets?

No, but they will break up into small parts to make other planets

How many new solar system planets are there?

There are 8 planets in the solar system, the most recent is Neptune which was discovered in 1846, not that new.

Are new stars and planets being formed or just new stars?

Both new planets and stars are being formed. Scientists are actually watching the formation of planets and keeping track of which ones would be able to support life.

How do dying stars form planets?

They don't - new born stars and planets are formed together.

What are the names of the 2 new planets?

They are categorized as "dwarf planets" now, leaving only 8 regular planets in our solar system. The names of all the dwarf planets are:CeresPlutoHaumeaMakemakeEris