

What newest planets discovered in the solar system after Pluto?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Of course they are "Dwarf Planets" like Pluto but: Makemake, Haumea, and Eris.

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Q: What newest planets discovered in the solar system after Pluto?
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What is the newest planet discovered?

Pluto, Discovered in 1930

What are the 2 new planets in the solar system?

The Uranus was the newest planet of the Solar System. I think this was made in 90s but there are no newest planets in the Solar System. The Planets in the Solar System is: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus (Newest) Neptune Pluto (Dwarf Planet/Planet) As you can see, there's no two "(Newest)" in the lists of planets but there is one but sorry, the list did not change.

Compare Pluto and the eight planets?

Pluto is located in what is know to be the Kuiper belt on the outside of our solar system. recently, scientists have discovered tens of thousands of other "planets" in this area, and many of them are as large or larger than Pluto Pluto has characteristics of a planet, like a moon, and an orbit, but because of its size and elliptical orbit, it is not a planet. It is actually the first member of a new category called dwarf planets. the newest dwarf planet is Eris which is slightly larger than Pluto.

Are the planets after Pluto in a different solar system?

Yes because Pluto is no longer in our solar system and the planets after Pluto are not in our solar system

Which planet was discovered in the 20th centry?

Pluto, it was discovered in 1930 and remained as the ninth planet until 2006. Since the 2006 reclassification of Pluto to a Dwarf Planet, there are now eight planets in our solar system.

What are the names of alln five dwarf planets in your solar system?

Pluto, Eris, Ceres, Haumea and Makemake are five dwarf planets in our solar system. There are many dwarf planets some discovered and some undiscovered.

What is number of planets in our solar system?

There are 8 planets not including Pluto and 9 including Pluto.

What are the new planets in the solar system?

There are no newly discovered planets. Pluto used to be considered a planet, but is no longer. Sedna, Quoar, Eris, and Varuna are just a few of the newly discovered trans neptunian objects (bodies beyond Neptune). Eris is larger than Pluto. Far, far beyond our solar system more than 335 exoplanets (planets orbiting other stars) have been discovered. These are not at all particularly close to our solar system.

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What planets is the number planet in our solar system?

There are 8 planets not including Pluto and 9 including Pluto.

Which planets were discovered after Greek and Roman times?

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. (Pluto is no longer classified as a planet.)

What is the number of planets in the solar system?

There are 8 planets in the solar system