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Q: What noble gas is most stable in ion form?
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Is inactive elements from stable compound?

For example, xenon, a noble gas can form stable compounds.

What is a pseudo-noble gas?

Although the formation of an octet is the most stable electron configuration, other electron configurations provide stability. These relatively stable electron arrangements are referred to a pseudo-noble gas configuration. Although the formation of an octet is the most stable electron configuration, other electron configurations provide stability. These relatively stable electron arrangements are referred to a pseudo-noble gas configuration.

Why is neon called a noble gas?

Neon is a noble gas because it has a complete octat and it is stable in its ground state.

What is the most stable group on the period table known as?

It is the noble gas family or the group XVIII.

A gas that has a stable number of electrons in the outer energy level?

Noble gas

What is the noble gas most likely to form with another element?


How do atoms attains stable configuration of noble gas?

Atoms gain stable configuration of noble gas, by either gaining or losing (as in ionic compounds) or sharing electrons (as in covalent compounds).

Is a helium a noble gas?

Yes helium is a noble gas because it is very stable, colorless, odorless taste less, but unlike the other noble gases, it has two electrons in its valence shell.

Why is a noble gas inert?

Noble gases have a stable electron configuration. So they are less reactive.

How are elements form ions that have a stable atomic structure like that are found in a noble gases?

There are three different ways for this. Elements can either gain electrons or lose electrons or share electrons and attain a stable noble gas electronic configuration.

Why noble gases are not found as a compound?

Because the outer electron shells are full.

What is the electron configuration of hydrogen in full and noble gas form?

Full form: 1s1. it doesn't have noble gas configuration as there is no noble gas before hydrogen