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Carbon is produced in the form of carbon dioxide as a by product ( waste product)

of respiration. People commonly think that only animals respire. This is not true. Both plants and animals respire but plants do this only at night and animals/humans do this constantly to stay alive. so plants produce carbon in the form of carbon dioxide other animals do via respiration also,

combustion produces Co2 aswell as this which is an identical process to aerobic ( with oxygen) respiration except it produces smoke aswell as carbon dioxide and other chemicals depending on what you are burning.

Fermentation so making beer involves a different type of respiration which forms carbon dioxide known as anaerobic respiration ( without oxygen)

glucose->CO2 and ethanol ( alcohol)

carbon itself can be found in what you'd least expect . . . diamond and other substances such as graphite which are formed deep underground due to the temperature and pressure.

hope this helps

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