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Antiinflammatories and rest will help somewhat with the pain, but the actual damage will not heal itself. Over time scar tissue should form which may stabilise the meniscus and the joint somewhat, but osteoarthritis will still develop. Normal treatments for osteoarthritis will then be needed. The jury really is still out as to whether release of the meniscus is better than nothing, or even complete removal

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Q: What non surgical treatments for dog meniscus tear are there?
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How do you get rid of stained dog tears?

Some dogs have tear stains because of genetics, but it can be reduced or completely fixed. One way to greatly reduce tear stain on a dog's face is to give him/her filtered water, because unfiltered water has minerals that causes tear stain. Also take care to notice hair in your dog's eyes because this can cause irritation and infection--which leads to tearing. if that doesn't help, you might consider taking the dog to a vet, because another cause is blocked tear ducts which causes excessive tearing--which leads to tear stains. If the dog doesn't have blocked tear ducts, if may have an ear infection, which can also lead to tear stain. Other times dogs can have allergies just like people (i know it sounds really strange but it's true) so watch the enviorment your dog is in--or it can be simple as a type of food that can cause a reaction. Another way to rid tear stains is by using a whitening shampoo. Some stores sell shampoos that whiten your dog's hair around their face--removing stains. Hope this helped!! :)

What is the best dog food to not cause tear stains?

any dog food really but bichon frise's and westies are more likely to get tear stains but its not actually what you feed them. but bakers are good but not the best because they have food colouring in.

Can you use bleach for dog tear stains?

No. Go to your local pet store and get the tear stain removal formula for dogs. You can get it as a liquid in a bottle or in swabs.