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Q: What northern colonists prefferred to use white servants?
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Why did English colonists adopt slavery?

English colonists adopted slavery in order to meet the labor demands of their profitable industries, such as tobacco and sugar plantations. They saw enslaved Africans as a cheap and abundant source of labor that would help them maximize profits in their colonies. Additionally, they used racist ideologies to justify the enslavement of Africans and perpetuate the system.

what caused the number of indentured servants in English colonies?

Improvements in conditions in Europe brought about a decrease in people attempting to leave the continent as indentured servants, and with the rise of the African slave trade, the need for indentured white servants that the colonists had to pay and eventually release decreased dramatically.

What caused the number of indentured servants in English colonies to?

Improvements in conditions in Europe brought about a decrease in people attempting to leave the continent as indentured servants, and with the rise of the African slave trade, the need for indentured white servants that the colonists had to pay and eventually release decreased dramatically.

What caused the number indentured servants in English colonies to decrease?

Improvements in conditions in Europe brought about a decrease in people attempting to leave the continent as indentured servants, and with the rise of the African slave trade, the need for indentured white servants that the colonists had to pay and eventually release decreased dramatically.

What caused the number of indentured servant in English colonies to decrease?

Improvments in conditions in Europe

When did the White House get servants?

day 1

Three servants were punished after they tried to escape. Two were white, and one was black. The white servants had their contracts extended; the black servant was ordered to serve for the rest of his life. Why were the punishments different?

Because of the servants' race

Medieval servants clothing?

Servants wore colourless clothes like white, brown,etc. Their clothes were made from scratchy wool.

Which is an example of inventing race?

all of the above (apex)

Most white workers in colonial Virginia in 1625 were?

Indentured servants.

The chesapeake colonies acquired most of the labor they needed from?

white servants

When was Northern white-cheeked gibbon created?

Northern white-cheeked gibbon was created in 1840.