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RNA polymearse

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Q: What molecule is produced by the RNA polymerase during transcription?
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What molecule is produced by RNA polymerase during transcription.?


What is mRNA built during?

when DNA is copied by RNA polymerase mRNA is produced. this is the process of transcription.

What is the role of rna?

RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, duyring the process of transcription. As complex molecule composed of protein subunits, RNA polymerase controls the process of transcription, during which the information stored in a molecule of DNA is copied into a new molecule of messenger RNA.

What molecule is made during transcription?

During transcription a protein molecule called a messenger RNA, or mRNA, is produced. This protein becomes important later during translation.

What enzyme binds to DNA during transcription unzipping the strands of RNA?

DNA helicase is the enzyme that aids DNA in unzipping during transcription.

What molecules are made during transcription?

Messenger Rna is made. mRna is single stranded and is made through RNA polymerase. Replication = duplication of Dna, Transcription = the duplication of genetic information into mRnas, Translation = the production of proteins by the activity of Ribosomes.

What happens first during transcription?

RNA polymerase reaches the beginning of the gene

What molecule builds the new strand of RNA during transcription?

RNA Polymerase plays the largest role in unzipping the DNA strand and then synthesizing the RNA strand.

What connects Rna nucleotides to dNA during transcription?

RNA polymerase

Which describes the main main purpose of RNA polymerase during transcription?

RNA polymerase produce mRNA from DNA

Why describes the main purpose of RNA polymerase during transcription?

it uncoils and unzips the double helix at the weak hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases. Free RNA nucleotides match with the complementary DNA strand and form mRNA which then moves out of the nucleus through the pore an continue the protein synthesis through translation.

What is the step of protein synthesis that occurs in the nucleus?

The step of protein synthesis that occurs in the nucleus is transcription. Transcription is the process of copying the genetic code from DNA into RNA. The RNA molecule that is produced during transcription is called messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA then travels to the cytoplasm, where it is translated into a protein. In transcription, the DNA double helix opens up at a specific location called the promoter. A protein called RNA polymerase binds to the promoter and begins to move along the DNA strand, unzipping the helix as it goes. RNA polymerase then uses the exposed DNA strand as a template to synthesize a complementary RNA strand. This RNA strand is the mRNA molecule. Once the mRNA molecule is complete, it separates from the DNA and travels to the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, the mRNA molecule binds to a ribosome. The ribosome then reads the mRNA molecule and uses the information to assemble a protein molecule. The protein molecule is then released from the ribosome and can go on to perform its function in the cell. Here are the steps of transcription in detail: Initiation: RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region of DNA. Elongation: RNA polymerase moves along the DNA strand, unzipping the helix and synthesizing a complementary RNA strand. Termination: RNA polymerase reaches a termination sequence in the DNA and stops synthesizing RNA. The mRNA molecule that is produced during transcription is a single-stranded molecule that contains the same information as the original DNA strand. However, the mRNA molecule is modified in a few ways. First, the 5' end of the mRNA molecule is capped with a group of nucleotides called a 5' cap. The 5' cap helps to protect the mRNA molecule from degradation and helps it to bind to the ribosome. Second, the 3' end of the mRNA molecule is polyadenylated, which means that it is added to a long chain of adenine nucleotides. The polyadenylation tail helps to stabilize the mRNA molecule and helps it to be transported to the cytoplasm. Transcription is a complex process that is essential for protein synthesis. It is the first step in the process of converting genetic information into a functional protein molecule.