

What number is north Carolina's state?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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It is th 12th!

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No it is the cardinal. :)

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In 1663

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the pine tree is North Carolina's state tree.

What is the name of North Carolina's bird?

North Carolinas state bird is the Cardinal.

What is north carolinas state capital?

Raleigh is the capital city of North Carolina.

What is north Carolinas nickname?

old north state or Tar Heel Statethe Carolina of the north

What is North carolinas state fruit?

I'm pretty sure it's peaches

What is the phone number of the Piedmont Carolinas Railroad Museum in Belmont North Carolina?

The phone number of the Piedmont Carolinas Railroad Museum is: 704-825-4403.

What is north carolinas state animal?

The Gray Squirrel and the state's dog is the Plott Hound

What are north carolinas major towns?

I would say Raleigh, (state capital) and Charlotte.