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4. Co-lo-ni-al.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 6mo ago

The word "colonial" has four syllables.

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How many strees syllables does a word have?

The number of syllables in a word is determined by the number of vowel sounds it contains. Each vowel sound typically corresponds to one syllable. To count the number of syllables, try saying the word slowly and clap your hands or tap your fingers for each vowel sound you hear.

How do you divide the word lollies into syllables?

The words can be divided into the syllables on the basis of vowles and dipthongs. the number of vowels(if not a dipthong ) will tell you the number of syllables. One dipthong will be counted as 1 syllable. Also the silent vowels are not counted when you count the number of syllables. Distort= Dis+Tort 2 Tour= tour (ou is dipothong) 1 I hope this could bring you a little close to understanding the syllable division. Thanks

Defined as the arrangement of a line of poetry by the number of syllables and the rhythm of accented syllables?

Meter is the arrangement of a line of poetry by the number of syllables and the pattern of accented syllables. It helps create the rhythm and musicality of a poem, giving it a specific structure and flow. Different types of meter, such as iambic pentameter or trochaic tetrameter, can evoke different moods and emphasize certain themes in a poem.

How many syllables does the word boundaries have?

Well there can be two ways depending on how you say it: Boun-dar-ies has 3 syllables. Bound-Aries has 2 syllables. but i think number 1 would be the most accurate. It you need to find out the syllables, clap out the word were you think has a break. If i doesn't it only has 1 syllable.

How do you make a sentence with the word syllables?

There are three syllables in the word syllables.

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What number of syllables does career have?

Two syllables.

How many syllables are in the word classify?

The word classify has three syllables. Clas-si-fy. You can determine the number of syllables a word has by saying the word aloud and clapping. The number of claps will correspond to the number of syllables.

How many syllables are in 'a number'?

There are 3 syllables. A - num-ber.

How many syllables does number have?

There are two syllables. Num-ber.

What number of syllables does meteor have?

Meteor has three syllables: Me-te-or

What number of syllables does annual have?

The word annual has three syllables. The syllables in the word are an-nu-al.

How many syllables does waters have?

Simply speaking, the number of times you open your mouth to pronounce a word is the number of syllables. Therefore, "waters" would have two syllables.

What is the number of syllables in the word circle?

There are 2 syllables. Cir-cle.

How many number of syllables are in implied?

There are two syllables in the word 'implied'.

Which of the following has the same number of syllables as stationary?

Any with four syllables.

What is the number of syllables in the word children?

There are two syllables. Chil-dren.

What is the number of syllables in the word finish?

There are two syllables. Fin-ish.