

What number on the pH scale is acid?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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7y ago

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Conditioners are frequently acidic, as low pH protonates the amino acids, providing the hair with positive charge and thus more hydrogen bonds between the keratin scales, giving the hair a more compact structure. Organic acids such as citric acid are usually used to maintain acidity. This puts the condtioners PH at about 2.5-3.5

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3w ago

A number below 7 on the pH scale indicates an acid.

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14y ago

Neutral pH is 7. Anything above 7 to 14 is basic (the higher the number, the stronger the base. Below 7 is acidic (the lower the number, the stronger the acid).

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6y ago

Bases have a PH level over 7, while acids have a PH level under 7

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7y ago

well anything under 7 is acid.

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1 to 6.9

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Q: What number on the pH scale is acid?
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On the pH scale what is the pH of an acid?

An acid has a pH value below 7 on the pH scale. The lower the pH value, the stronger the acid.

What is acid measured on the pH scale?

An acid would be on the left side of a pH scale

What is an acid on the pH scale?

An acid on the pH scale is a substance with a pH value below 7. Acids have higher concentrations of hydrogen ions, giving them their characteristic sour taste and ability to corrode certain materials. Examples of common acids include lemon juice (pH around 2) and vinegar (pH around 3).

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Acidic solutions have a pH under 7.

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The solution is an acid.

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The Ph scale does not have colours.

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A pH scale up to 7 indicates acidity, with lower values being more acidic. pH 7 is neutral. A pH scale up to 8 would still be slightly acidic, with substances becoming more neutral as the value approaches 7.

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The pH scale of the strongest alkali is typically around 14. Examples of strong alkalis include sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH), which can produce a highly alkaline solution with a pH of 14.

What number on the pH scale indicates the strongest acid solution?

The pH scale does not indicate the strength of the acid, so there is no number on the pH scale that indicates the strongest acid. A pH value of zero will be the most concentrated strong acid, but even that isn't exactly correct. Concentrations greater than 1 M have pH values <0, but are not useful values because of intermolecular interactions and activity values.

Can pH paper be used to prove that vinegar is an acid?

yes, but it can also be an alkali you have to check the pH number scale.

What is number is stomach acid on the pH scale?

Stomach acid is typically around a pH of 1 to 3, making it highly acidic.

The scale used to classify the strength of acid and basic solutions?

The pH scale.