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I believe you are refering to the number four. In Japan this is associated with death and you will find things are rarely sold in fours

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Q: What numbers represent death in agony or suffering in japan?
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What is agony?

Agony is Extreme physical or mental suffering or the final stages of a difficult or painful death: "his last agony"

What does agony mean?

The noun 'agony' is a word for extreme physical or mental suffering; extreme worry or sadness; the final stages of a difficult or painful death.

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Agony of Death was created on 2008-09-26.

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The agony of losing a child is unimaginable. Good Friday commemorates the agony of Jesus' death on the cross.

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The march of death symbolizes the relentless and inevitable passage of time, the journey towards mortality, and the cycle of life and death. It can also represent themes of suffering, loss, and the transient nature of human existence.

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Yes. Because there is no suffering after death.

Why was a cross used for crucification?

A crucifix was used because it prolonged the suffering and agony of the criminal on it. This was considered a suitable punishment, whereas sticking the offender on a pole without the crossbeam the result would be death in a fairly short space of time. It is known that those that died from crucifixion would suffer for hours before death.

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A black cross can represent a variety of things depending on cultural or religious context. In Christian symbolism, a black cross can symbolize mourning, death, or a somber occasion. In a more general sense, it can also represent suffering, sacrifice, or a memorial for those who have passed away.

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The suffering and death of Jesus is normally referred to as "The Passion."

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This line from Shakespeare's Hamlet reflects the existential dilemma of choosing between life's struggles or ending one's own suffering through death. It explores the contemplation of the value of existence and the mental agony of enduring hardships.

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