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Q: What nun checked her hearing aid in Sister Act before playing the piano?
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The ear closest to the sound source hears it first. IF you always hear it "first" on your right, then you should have your hearing checked.

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No a hearing comes before a trial. Hearings are held so that attorneys can argue what evidence is allowed in the trial.

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No her sister died before she did.

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A: Habeas Corpus - In which guarantees accused individuals the right to a hearing before being jailed.

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You don't request a hearing before a Grand Jury. As a matter of fact, you don't even attend your own hearing. If you are arrested, your case will automatically be presented to a Grand Jury for them to consider if they will charge you with the crime or not.

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Your sister looked at many dresses before she chose one.

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Sister Sister - 1994 Before There Was Hip Hop--- 6-19 was released on: USA: 2 May 1999