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The nursery rhyme that features a boy putting his finger in a dyke is "The Little Boy Who Stuck His Finger in the Dike." The story's moral teaches the importance of taking immediate action when facing a problem.

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Q: What nursery rhyme had a boy put his finger in a dyke?
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Who put their finger in a dyke?

That seems to be a fable. A boy noticed a levee was leaking, put his finger in the hole, and asked others to get help.

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"Little Boy Blue" is actually a nursery rhyme, not a fairy tale. It tells the story of a boy who falls asleep while watching over sheep and fails to respond when he hears his sheep crying.

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The nursery rhyme Little Boy Blue appears in its earliest printed version in the c. 1744 book 'Tommy Thumb's Little Song Book' although it is believed to have first been spoken much earlier than this.

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The nursery rhyme you are referring to is likely "Little Jack Horner." In the rhyme, Little Jack Horner sticks in his thumb, pulls out a plum, and says, "What a good boy am I." The plum is often depicted as a pie in popular culture adaptations.

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One nursery rhyme that includes silver and gold is "Baa Baa Black Sheep." The nursery rhyme talks about the sheep having three bags full of wool: one for the master, one for the dame, and one for the little boy who lives down the lane. The reference to the bags of wool could be seen as representing silver and gold.

Is there a nursery rhyme about a dragon?

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What was little boy blue doing under the hay stack?

Little Boy Blue was fast asleep under the hay stack, as described in the nursery rhyme.

What is the name of the nursey rhyme with the line BOy Retires Wearing Hosiery?

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