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Organisms tend to get phosphorus from their local ecosystem. An organism can also get nitrogen from its local ecosystem. Nitrogen is added to the organism's local ecosystem by bacteria from the air.

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Q: What nutrient do organsms tend to get from their local ecosystem?
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Which nutrient do organisms tend to get from their local ecosytem?

The nutrient that organisms tend to get from their local ecosystem is phosphorus. They can also get the nutrient nitrogen locally.

Which nutrient do organisms tend to get their local ecosystem?


What nutrient do organisms tend get from their local ecosystem?


Which nutrient do organisms tend to get from their local ecosystem?

The nutrient that organisms get from their local ecosystem is phosphorous. Organisms also get nitrogen from the air and it can also be added to the soil.

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How many plants eat bugs?

It's a carnivorous plant that eats bugs. Plants tend to meet their nutrient needs naturally through what's available in the soil. But carnivorous plants tend to grow in nutrient poor and infertile environments. So they meet nutrient needs through the nutrients that are released in digesting protein and nutrient rich bugs.Examples include sundew [Drosera spp], pitcher [Sarracenia spp], monkey cup [Nepenthesspp], flytrap [Dionaea spp], cobra [Darlingtonia spp] and bladderwort [Utricularia spp] plants.