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Whish mineral deficiency may result in rickets

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Q: What nutrient will result in rickets?
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What nutrient is required to help prevent rickets?

if we don't eat any calcium in our life it will cause rickets

What diseases are caused by nutrient deficienies?

beriberi, kwashiorkor, pellagra, rickets, osteoporosis night blindness

What are five diseases caused by nutrient deficiency?

Pellagra, Rickets, Scurvy, Beriberi and Beri-Beri

An essential nutrient which helps to prevent rickets more commonly called vitamin d?

Calciferol is vitamin D2

Why is rickets a common disease in many third world countries?

Rickets is a result of malnutrition. Hence it is common where food is of poor quality and quantity.

If a nutrient is in short supply in an ecosystem how will it affect an organism?

Nutrients are essential for us to live. Without them, we would eventually die. When we are short of a nutrient, we would suffer from disorders associated with low intakes of that nutrient. For example, low iron intakes may mea one becomes anemic; low intakes of vitamin C can result in scurvy; and low intakes of vitamin D can result in rickets during development stages for children. Each nutrient has its deficiency. So, by eating a variety of foods to get all of the nutrients means we are getting what we need to stay healthy.

What bone disease is called by the lack of calcium in the diet?

Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

Diseases caused by lack of fats?

Well a diet to low in fat can cause malnutrition from fat-soluble essential nutrients. This causes deficiency diseases. For example, rickets can be caused by lack of vitamin D, a fat soluble nutrient. Vitamin K deficiency is often result of fat malabsorption and that can result in hemorrhagic disease.

Where can you get Rickets?

how do u get rickets

What can cause a new born calf knees to buckle when he walks?

Possibly rickets, a disorder as a result of calcium deficiency.

What type of land use can result in nutrient depletion?


Are rickets caused by microbes?

No, rickets is not caused by microbes. Rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium or phosphate.