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vitamine A witch will be transformed to vitamine D by the human body

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9y ago

It is not a food or a nutrient, it is a vitamin, Vitamin D.

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Q: What nutrients does sunshine produce in the body?
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Why do body need nutrients?

nutrients leads to a great health and calcium and produce to your body

Why must humans consume nutrients?

Humans body needs nutrients to form, exist, grow, and survive. Cells need nutrients to produce and communicate and function with the brain. Nutrients are fuel for the body.

What is the vitamin that this nutrient is found in fortified milk and cerealsand sunlight helps produce it in the body?

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin.

The term 'essential' in nutrition means?

Essential nutrients are nutrients that your body cannot produce on its own or in high enough concentrations to sustain life. This means that these nutrients must be obtained through diet and are necessary for proper body function.

How does sunshine affect the body?

Yes to help your body produce Vitamin D and so prevent rickets.

What macronutrients can produce ATP in the body?

protein, carbs, and lipids

What nutrients do you get from sweets?

They help keep the body maintain energy, but too much can shut down the body and produce access fat.

Do spiders produce hormones?

Yes, spiders do produce hormones. The spider's hormones circulate through their eight legged body in their blood, along with nutrients, oxygen, and cells.

Do boys Reagan sperm?

Yes, the male body produce new sperm constantly and reuses the unused sperm as nutrients.

Why is nutrients important in life?

Nutrients help your body produce things that are necessary for life. Like when you drink milk, you are receiving pro- vitamin D and calcium, which once it enters your body it is converted to Vitamin D and calcium. Your body uses these things to protect and strengthen your bones.

What is made up of nutrients in your body?

Your body is composed entirely of nutrients, or of substances that were made from nutrients.

How life processes produce waste?

Animals eat food and absorb the vitamins, nutrients and energy and produce waste from the materials the body does not need. The bodies of dead animals also decay and produce waste.