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Vitamins that are water- soluble directly enter the bloodstream. Examples of these vitamins are B vitamins, biotin, pantothenic acid, folate and vitamin C.

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Q: What nutrients enter the bloodstream directly?
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Related questions

What nutrients go directly into the bloodstream?

All of them.

What is the Process In Which nutrients enter the bloodstream?

Digestion and absorption by osmosis

2 nutrients that go directly to the bloodstream without being digested?

Alcohol and poison

Where food leaves gut and enters blood?

Nutrients leave the gut and enter the bloodstream through the lining of the small intestine.

After nutrients are broken down where do they go?

to the bloodstream

Why does medication in intravenous act faster than pills?

Because medication enters directly into the bloodstream through an IV but pills must dissolve before they can enter the bloodstream

How do you get the nutrients in vitamins?

your body absorbs the nutrients in food through the lining of your stomach and intestine, and they go directly into the bloodstream. Alcohol does this too, that is why the cops measure your BAC, Blood Alcohol Content.

When Nutrients that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream from the digestive tract do they go immediately to the liver?

Nutrients travel from your intestines to your liver in a few simple steps. When nutrients enter your small intestine, the small villi filter out the vital nutrients needed for bodily functions. Then, these nutrients are separated from the other contents - which move on to the large intestine for further filtering - and the nutrients are sent to the capillaries. The capillaries then send the nutrients throughout the blood. The red blood cells then transport the nutrients throughout the body's organs, including the liver!

How does nutrients get in the bloodstream?

through cells

Which nutrients move into the bloodstream?


What is the organ in the digestive system that releases nutrients into the bloodstream by the process of absorption?

The small intestine. It has villi that absorb nutrients and then transport them to the bloodstream.

Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream through small finger-like nodules on the wall of the?

Villi on the wall of the small intestine absorb nutrients into the bloodstream.