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nutritional mode is absorption

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Q: What nutritional pattern do all fungi have in common?
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Which is a characteristic of deutromycota?

all organisms in the deuteromycota phylum are different which is why this phylum is known as the imperfect fungi group. the only characteristic that the fungi in the phylum have in common is they all have cell walls.

What do cells of protists fungi plants and animals not have in common?

All of them do not have toenails. There are uncountable things that they all do not have in common. Are you certain that you are asking the question the way you intend?

What characteristics do fungi have in common?

Fungi all have chitin in their cell walls, plate-like cisternae in their mitochondria, and a Spitzenkorper in their hyphae (if they have hyphae). Fungi also synthesize lysine using the AAA pathway and store energy as glycogen.

Are all fungi a mold?

are all fungi molds

Are fungi heterotrophic?

Yes, fungi are heterotrophic organisms, meaning they obtain their nutrients by breaking down organic matter in their environment. They cannot produce their own food through photosynthesis like plants.

Are all fungi living?

Yes, all fungi are living.

Do all fungi have something in common?

Fungi all have chitin in their cell walls, plate-like cisternae in their mitochondria, and a Spitzenkorper in their hyphae (if they have hyphae). Fungi also synthesize lysine using the AAA pathway and store energy as glycogen.

What do most people think fungi is?

It's common to think that all fungi are mushrooms, but mushrooms are just a single type of fungus. There are many other types. The yeast that makes bread rise, and molds (one type of which we get Penicillin from) are also Fungi.

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fungi is not all green.

What does wheat grapes peaches and lamb have in common?

The thing that wheat, grapes, peaches, and lamb have most in common are their nutritional benefits. These are all great sources of vitamins and minerals.

Does some fungi produce photosynthesis?

All fungi are heterotrophic. No fungi is a photoautotroph