

What object blocks all light and creates shadows?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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any object if its far away or close it depends.

But it defiantly cant be transparent

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Q: What object blocks all light and creates shadows?
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How is shadows make?

A solid object that is semi-transparent to completely opaque blocks the light either coming from the sun or an artificial source and creates a shadow.

Why does your body form shadows?

Any object that blocks the light forms a shadow.

How are shadows made?

it is from the sun which gives light. when an object is in front it blocks the light and becomes a shadow.

What are shadows for?

shadows are actually a black shade of an object. you might don't understand it but let me say it much more clearly. shadows are formed by the light hitting the object and the object then blocks the light so when the light can't get through it forms a shadow.

What is shadow's purpose?

Shadows do not have a purpose, they are just the absence of light created when an object blocks a light source.

Where do shadows always form?

Shadows are formed when an object blocks light. They can form wherever there is a source of light and an object to block that light, creating a contrast between the illuminated and shaded areas.

How does light interact with objects to cast shadows?

---------------------------------------------- The object blocks the light from whatever is behind it, therefore leaving a shadow. ----------------------------------------------

How is the light ray theory associated with shadows?

Light ray theory and shadows. Basically the light ray theory is the theory that light always travels in straight lines, and it is linked into shadows as when an object blocks the light rays it cannot bend round the object therefore making a shadow.

Can we have shadows at night?

Yes, shadows can still exist at night. They are created when an object blocks the path of light from a source, such as moonlight or artificial light. The absence of direct sunlight does not prevent the formation of shadows at night.

What makes shadows?

Shadows are caused when an object blocks part of a beam of light that is falling on a surface. The surface areas receiving less light are darker (less illuminated by the light) and may assume the same general shape of the object causing the shadow.

Why do shadows occur?

Because the sun casts light on something and the object, if solid, blocks off a portion of the light, causing an area free of the light known as a shadow.

Is it possible to have two shadows of a human?

No, it is not possible for a human to have two distinct shadows at the same time. Shadows are created when an object blocks light, so having two separate shadows would require two different light sources in opposite directions, which is not a typical scenario.