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Q: What object is best for providing a pushing force?
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What word best descibes a push or pull on an object?

A push or a pull on an object is a force on that object.

The net force acting on an stationary object is zero Which best describes the object's velocity?

In that case, the object's velocity won't change.

What would be the reading on forcemeter if An object is weighed in air and in water?

i believe, and i may be wrong, bet the force required to move the object in the water will be less than the force required to move the object through the air. the best bet for you to see this is to try it for yourself.

Why is less force needed to keep an object moving than to start the object in motion?

1). Because maintaining an object in motion requires no force, but causing a non-moving object to move involves acceleration which does require force. 2). Because kinetic friction is generally less than static friction.

What term best describes the forces acting on an object with the net force of zero?

An object at rest, or an object with a constant velocity are the two possible states of an object with zero net force. An object with zero acceleration has zero net force. There many be several forces acting on the object, such as the force of gravity and the normal force of the ground. Even though an object sitting on the ground has two forces acting on it (gravity, and the normal force) the object does not accelerate because these forces are equal and opposite. An object with zero net force has all forces acting on it equally balanced and cancelling out

Related questions

What word best descibes a push or pull on an object?

A push or a pull on an object is a force on that object.

Why is less force neede needed to keep an object moving than to start the object in motion.?

The best, purest answer is: Because no force at all is required to keep a moving object moving.

The net force acting on an stationary object is zero Which best describes the object's velocity?

In that case, the object's velocity won't change.

Which of these best defines work?

applying a force to move an object in the same direction

What best describes what must happen in order for a person to lift an object?

The force of gravity must be greater than the mass of the object

What are the visible effects of force?

They're all around you every day. If you ever see any object that is not moving in a straight line at constant speed, then you are witnessing the effects of force.

What would be the reading on forcemeter if An object is weighed in air and in water?

i believe, and i may be wrong, bet the force required to move the object in the water will be less than the force required to move the object through the air. the best bet for you to see this is to try it for yourself.

Why is less force needed to keep an object moving than to start the object in motion?

1). Because maintaining an object in motion requires no force, but causing a non-moving object to move involves acceleration which does require force. 2). Because kinetic friction is generally less than static friction.

Can we say that atmospheric pressure also keeps the object on ground like gravititional force?

No. Quite on the contrary: Air provides a buoyant force, that will partially counteract the force of gravity. And if the object has a low density (as in a balloon), it may even get the object from the ground.

Which statements best describes what must happen in order for a person to lift an object?

The force of gravity must be greater than the mass of the object

How can a net force cause motion?

if a little force is moving it left O<- and a big force is moving it right --->O the net force is to the right --->O<- = -->O so it moves right Providing the force overcomes inertia and any friction

In order to impart the greatest momentum to an object you should?

In order to impart the greatest momentum to an object, you should both exert the largest force possible upon the object in question and extend that force for as long as possible. This is so because the greater the force acting on an object results in a greater change in velocity, which in turn yields a greater momentum. In addition to exerting the largest force possible on an object, you should also extend that force over the longest period of time as possible, as the sustained force also produces more momentum. As p= m•v, the best method in obtaining the greatest amount for 'p' would be to manipulate either the 'm' or 'v' variables. Force= acceleration= change in velocity= MOMENTUM. Greater amount of time= MOMENTUM