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Q: What objects are there that starts with c?
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Which is the function which destroys objects in C?

No objects in C. For C++, it is destructor.

Why not objects defined using new in c?

Because there are no 'objects' in C.

What are the objects used in dev c plus plus?

Objects in Dev C++ are the same as objects in generic C++, insofar as an object is an instance of a class.

A mammal that starts with C?

a mammal that starts C is a COW

Why don't use objects in c?

You don't use objects in C because C is not an object oriented language like C++.

What in the human body starts with c?

Your clavicle bone starts with c.

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What kind of arthritis starts with a c

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What is another word for truck that starts with a c?

Car is another word for truck that starts with a "c".

Why cricket starts from c but not from k?

Cricket starts with c but not k because that is the correct grammar.