

What objects use convex lenses?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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11y ago

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Convex lenses are used for glasses since it can bend light to provide better eyesight. Their also used for cameras, telescopes or science purposes. Also you have double convex lens in your eye.

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Q: What objects use convex lenses?
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Do microscopes use concave or convex lenses?

They use convex lenses because they need to focus the light IN to the eye. Convex focuses in while concave spreads the light out. So, they use convex lenses.

Uses of Convex Lenses?

A convex lens is used to make objects appear larger and they are used in eyeglasses. Other uses for convex lenses include magnifying glasses, binoculars, and cameras.

What uses two convex lenses to magnify small close objects?

A _____________ uses two convex lenses to magnify small, close images.

What type of lenses you use to build a microscope?

you use two convex lenses.

How are concave and convex lenses different?

Convex bulges outward (thicker in the center than the edge)Concave bulges inward (thinner in the center than the edge)Convex lenses magnify when you look through then, concave lenses make things look smaller.You can focus a distant object to a point with a convex lens (the image will be upside down).

Why use convex lens?

convex lenses are for short sighted people.

List two uses for concave lens?

Both concave and convex lenses are used in glasses; A microscope, like a reflecting telescope, uses a concave mirror, a plane mirror, and a convex lens; A refracting telescope uses two convex lenses to magnify images in the sky; binoculars use concave lenses to improve detail.

Are objective lenses concave or convex?

Objective lenses are convex lenses.

What are lenses that make objects look larger?

You need a convex lens to magnify an image.

Does a microscope use a concave lens or a convex lens?

Today's microscopes use convex lenses.

What type of lens is used for making nearby objects look bigger?

convex shaped lenses are used to magnify objects

Do binoculors have concave or convex lenses?

i think they have convex lenses