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In ancient Egypt the Pharoahs were mummified, but along witrh them also his favourite slave was mummified, this ws done so the slave would serve him in the next world

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Q: What objects were mummified along with the pharaohs?
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Which people were mummified?

Everyone back then. Pharohs, servents, villagers, girls, boys, animals, women, and men.At first, only the important people were mummified, but then all people were. But the rich and important Egyptians got mummified with more care and time than the others.The ancient Egyptians Pharaohs or kings.

Who were the people who got mummified?

Egyptians mummified the Pharaohs and other nobles, otherwise called embalming. Egyptians believed that life after death could only be achieved with the body still intact. However, they began to also embalm the bodies of peasants and other lower classed citizen due to their beliefs.

Did the Egyptians only mummify certain people?

Anyone could be mummified, and mummification was desirable, since the Egyptians believed that the process allowed the soul to live on after death. However, it was expensive, so common people were rarely mummified. Pharaohs, government officials, and members of the nobility were often mummified, as were some animals (cats, birds, baboons, bulls, and other animals that held special religious significance in Ancient Egyptian society).

Did all pharaohs in ancient Egypt have pyramids?

No, mostly just pharaohs were buried in pyramids. Some pharaohs actually killed servants to take with them to the afterlife. Pharaohs paid the embalmer to mummify the servants. To the servants it would be a great honor to be mummified and be taken to the afterlife with their king.

Was king narmer the first one to be mummified?

No, Osiris the God of the Underworld, was the first king to be mummified. He was a king and then became a god after being mummified

Related questions

Why were egptians mummified?

the Egyptians believe that if the Pharaohs were mummified the Pharaohs could enter the after life

Did the pharohs get mummified?

yes Pharaohs were mummified also known as embalming because they believed in the after life for Pharaohs.

What goes in a pyramid?

Mummified pharaohs

Who were the people that were mummified?

Pharaohs and noble

Who mummified the bodies of pharaohs?

Embalmers mummified the pharaohs, as well as the chief embalmer wearing a jackal mask to represent Anubius the god of mummification.

Why did ancient egyptians have pyrimads?

To bury dead pharaohs in after they were mummified

Did mummies have pets?

Some pharaohs had pets that they requested to have mummified

Does everybody get mummified?

Only pharaohs and other rich ancient Egyptians got to be mummified. It does happen accidentally sometimes.

Would every one that died be mummified?

No, only the very important, such as Pharaohs or people related to the king would be mummified.

Where were most pharaohs buried?

in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor in southern Egypt.

What happens when a pharaohs body is mummified?

they carefully place it in the sarcophagus or tomb

What if pharaohs were not mummified?

If pharos were not mummified, the would go the the underworld with no body. the part that they didn't cover in linen wouldn't go to the underworld.