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Don't try it because if you have 1 volume of oxygen to 2 volumes of hydrogen, it is explosive!

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Q: What observed when a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is lit?
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What happens if a burning match is placed in a test tube of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen?

In an atmosphere of 100 % hydrogen there is no oxygen to support combustion so the candle cannot be lit. When there is some air present expect a pop (more energetic event) as the hydrogen oxygen mixture explodes forming water.

Why does hydrogen pop louder when lit if it is first mixed with air?

The pop you hears is a result of the hydrogen reaction with oxygen. When it is mixed with air, all of the hydrogen is readily in contact with oxygen, and the reaction can proceed much more rapidly.

What happens when a candle lit?

The hydrogen and the carbon dioxide mix. Candle uses oxygen and wax as fuel

Does hydrogen and oxygen form water?

Provided there is an external energy source to initiate the reaction. The hydrogen coming from your Bunsen Burner did not form a vapour stream when the (hydrogen) gas was not lit. [Back when piped gas was hydrogen].

How would you identify hydrogen?

Hydrogen burns with a "squeaky pop" when lit.

What are some reactant examples?

1. The reactants of a lit candle involve the physical properties of the chemicals oxygen, carbon and hydrogen gas. 2. H+ and OH-.

What happens when you put a lit splint into a test tube filled with hydrogen?

The lit splint will go out because of the absence of oxygen

How can hydrogen be detected?

Usually with a lit match. BOOM

Does a flame produce oxygen?

No. Flames use oxygen to stay lit.

When carbon and oxygen combine what do they form?

An astoundingly large number of compounds can be formed from differing quantities of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. But if you mixed charcoal, H2, and O2 together and lit it, depending on the amounts of each, you are probably going to end up with a mixture of mostly CO2 and H2O.

How to measure oxygen using a lit candle?

Remember the percentage of oxygen in the world today is 21%. Get a lit candle and put it on water. Then put a beaker over the lit candle. The water should rise and fill up to 21% of the candle as there is 21% of oxygen in the world.

What causes Polaris not to be bright when observed from earth?

Uhh... being in a well lit area..?