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The ancient Greeks would rely on the sea for explorations like fishing, trading, dominance among other strong warriors, and building powerful warships that gave them a huge advantage during war time conflicts.

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Q: What occupations would you expect to find among people who relied on the sea as much as ancient Greece did?
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What was the most common occupation in ancient Greece?

most of the people were peasants. which means their occupations were to work in the fields and pick crops. yes most men did work as soldiers therefore that left a lot of woman to be house wives and raise there children, which was their occupation while the men where gone. those are the two main occupations in ancient Greece

How are the people ruled for ancient Greece?

The Mycenaeans are the people who ruled the ancient Greece.

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the Ancient Greece feed people to lions.

How many people lived in ancient greece-?

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Ancient Greece, because majority of people per fer the food in Greece, then the food in China.

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Why were many people in ancient Greece traders or ship builders?

25. Why were many people in ancient Greece traders or ship builders?

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