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Q: What occurs as the level of LH decreases after peaking?
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On which day is the level of LH in the bloodstream at its highest What event occurs immediately after this peak?

On the thirteenth day the level of LH is at its peak, but im not sure what happens after this. Hope this helps.

Ovulation occurs due to a surge in?

LH - leuteinizing hormone

What happens when the level of LH is high?

When your body has an LH surge, you are ovulating and may become pregnant.

What is luteinising hormone?

Luteinizing Hormone produced by the pituitary gland present at the base of the brain. In women LH helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and egg production. It stimulates the follicles to release the egg. The level of LH varies depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. There is an increase just before the ovulation occurs. In men LH stimulates the production of testosterone and is very important for sperm production.

Is it possible to ovulate 24 hours after detecting a surge in LH?

OK, first a bit of background on LH (luteinizing hormone). This is released in two parts of your cycle, right at the beginning to mature an egg and in the middle of the cycle to cause ovulation. According to my notes, ovulation occurs approx. 34-36 hours after the onset of the LH surger or 10-12 hours after the LH peak. I do not know the specifics of your test, but if it tests for a peak LH level, then the egg will be released 10-12 hours after the peak. If it just detects a rise in LH, then it will be approx a day and a half later. Hope that helps. Student Doctor.

Ovulation occurs due to a surge in A. FSH concentrations. B. estrogen and FSH concentrations. C. LH concentrations. D. estrogen concentrations. E. estrogen and LH concentrations?


How do fsh n lh help in pcos?

In PCOS patient there is Elevated level of LH where dr cannot use HMG, coz HMG has FSH and LH in 1:1 ratio. AS LH levels r high in PCOS patient no need to give LH. so in those patient Dr's can use on FSH for follicular growth.

The release of the oocyte from the follicle is caused by?

a surge in the level of the luteinizing (LH) hormone.

Which hormone stimulates the production of testosterone?

Hormones are regulated by what are called negative feedback mechanisms. When more is needed, more will be released and the opposite is true when there is enough. For example, the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone decreases as the amount of circulating estrogen increases.

For ovulation when the oocyte is discharged high level of following hormones is required LH and?

FSH and estrogen

What is estrogen level supposed to be right before ovulation?

LH (luteization hormone).24 hours before ovulation.

Which hormone stimulates the corpus luteum to produce progesterone and estrogen?

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)