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It happens when a star loses hydrogen

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Q: What occurs in a massive star to cause it to explode?
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A supernova reaction occurs in the life cycle of which type of star?

A massive star. Usually any star with more that 9 solar masses will explode as a supernova.

Does every star explode?

No. Only the most massive stars explode.

What will happen to a star once all its fuel is gone?

The answer depends on the original mass of the star. If it was not too massive, it will shrink to a dwarf star. If it was sufficiently massive, it will explode as a nova. A really massive star, exploding as a supernova, will leave behind either a neutron star, a pulsar or a black hole.

Where does a supernova fit into a star's lifecycle?

A supernova occurs at the end of a massive star's life cycle.

Does the singluarity cause stars to explode?

No, quite the opposite, it would cause a star to implode.

What if the biggest star went through a red giant phase?

The biggest star - VY Canis Majoris IS in a red supergiant phase and will explode as a massive supernova.

What could cause the galaxy to explode?

A Galaxy could not explode. An individual star can, and does, but a Galaxy consists of billions of stars quite widely separated.

Can a star less massive then the sun become a supernova?

Any stars less massive than our sun do not explode in a supernova. They will slowly cool down and burn out forming an "ember" (a.k.a. white dwarf).

Is the sun a massive star or a dwarf star?

its not a massive or a dwarf  star

What is a massive collapsed star?

A massive collapsed star is a dead star.

Why does a massive star have a much shorter life span compared to the sun?

Because a massive star has more pressure on the core, this creates greater temperatures, which increase the amount of nuclear fusion that occurs. This uses more hydrogen and thus the star runs out of fuel much quicker, that a smaller star.

What is left when stars explode?

When smaller stars explode (like our Sun), they leave a nebula cloud by releasing their gas and they become a small but dense white dwarf star.When big stars explode (like Betelgeuse), they have a massive explosion called a supernova and the core of the star turns into a black hole or a pulsar.