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Q: What occurs when 2 waves meet crest to trough?
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What type of interference occurs when waves meet crest to crest or trough to trough?

No, that would be destructive interference. One crest + one trough = nothing, a flat line.

What happen to the displacement when the two waves meet out of phase crest on trough?

The displacement is reduced to the difference.

What happen to the displacement when the two waves meet in phase crest on crest?

The crest is the sum of the two.

Where two waves interfere the displacment where two troughs meet is?

When two waves interfere, the displacement where two troughs meet is negative.

When two waves interfere the displacement where two troughs meet is positive negative zero or a crest?


What is interference in physics?

Waves from two sources travel in a medium. At some points when they interfere simultaneously crest and trough of the two waves would meet. So the displacement at that point would be reduced. Hence it is termed as Destructive Interference. If, otherwise, both crests or toughs of the two waves interfere then displacement at those points would be added and hence it becomes maximum. This is termed as Constructive Interference

What is destructive interference in physics?

Waves from two sources travel in a medium. At some points when they interfere simultaneously crest and trough of the two waves would meet. So the displacement at that point would be reduced. Hence it is termed as Destructive Interference. If, otherwise, both crests or toughs of the two waves interfere then displacement at those points would be added and hence it becomes maximum. This is termed as Constructive Interference

What happens when a trough meet a trough?


Where does interference of waves occurs?

It can happen any place where two waves meet. This is usually most relevant when both waves have the same frequency.

What are the highest points on a standing wave called?

When the trough of a wave and the crest of a different wave meet, the waves cancel completely. This is called destructive interference.

When does Destructive interference occur?

Constructive interference occurs when the crest of one wave passes through, and adds itself to, the crest of an 'adjacent' wave. This combination is said to be additive. Rogue Waves are actual and can be quite destructive.

When two waves pass each other what happens?

When two waves meet, wave interference occurs, causing them both to take on a different shape at the moment they meet.