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the frictional forces increase

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Q: What occurs when a force causes the speed of an object to decrease?
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What occurs when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force?


What occurs when a force causes an object to move in the direction of force?


What is a force that causes an object to decrease?

You think probable to compression.

What does a force in the opposite direction to the motion cause?

A force applied to a moving object in the opposite direction of its motion causes its velocity to decrease.

What is a force called that causes an object to object to move in a circle is called?

A force that causes an object to move in a circle is a central force, or a centripetal force.

What causes voltage to increase and decrease?

If you are referring to the voltage at your residence, then voltage variation is caused by the changes to the load on your supply network. The network load varies throughout the day, being busiest, for example, around lunchtime and around dinnertime. The resulting load current variation causes the supply voltage to vary (it drops when the load current increases) but, by law, your supplier is obliged to maintain any voltage variation within limits -in the UK, for example, these limits are between +10% and -6% of the nominal 230 V.

What is the exertion of a force on an object called that produces motion in the direction of a force?

Work occurs when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force.

What causes motion of an object?

Applied force to an object causes motion.

What occurs when while the force is acting on an object?

If there is no counter-force (usually friction), the object will accelerate.

What does a unbalenced force on an object do?

causes the object to fall...

What occurs when an applied force causes rock to break?

Mechanical weathering occurs when an applied force causes rock to break.

What force causes an object to have weight?

force of gravity