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When beta receptors are stimulated, it decreases the heart rate to treat for low blood pressure.

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Q: What occurs when beta receptors are stimulated?
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What adrenergic receptors increase cAMP levels?

Beta-adrenergic receptors (specifically beta-1 and beta-2 receptors) increase cAMP levels when stimulated by catecholamines like adrenaline and noradrenaline. This activation of beta receptors leads to various physiological responses in the body, including increased heart rate, dilation of airways, and mobilization of energy reserves.

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Nerve receptors are stimulated during urination. This stimulation occurs when the walls of the bladder contract and the urination reflex is automatically activated.

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How do alpha and beta receptors differ?

Alpha receptors are primarily found in smooth muscle tissue, where they cause vasoconstriction when activated. Beta receptors are found in various tissues, with beta-1 receptors primarily in the heart and beta-2 receptors in smooth muscle and other tissues. When activated, beta-1 receptors increase heart rate and contractility, while beta-2 receptors cause relaxation of smooth muscle.

What are beta-1 receptors found?

There are at lest 3 types of beta receptors and they are found in different organs. Beta-1 (β1) receptors are found in the heart, eye, and kidneys while beta (β2) receptors are found in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, liver, uterus, blood vessels, and skeletal muscle. The third type, beta (β3) receptors are found in fat cells.

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How a beta receptor antagonist causes a decrease in blood pressure?

Beta receptor antagonists block the beta receptors on the heart, which leads to a decrease in the heart rate and force of contraction. This results in a decrease in cardiac output and ultimately lowers blood pressure.