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You will need to see a neurosurgeon at fast as possible

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Q: What occurs when ligaments are stretched to far and tear in places?
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What is sprinkled ankle?

A sprained ankle refers to a strain or tear in the ligaments of the ankle itself. This often occurs during exercise or play.

Which of these terms means a stretch or tear ligaments?

A sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament.

How far can a ligament stretch?

Ligaments must be able to stretch so that when the arm stretches, the ligament stretches too if it doesn't you will going to feel pain.

Can you tear a ligament?

Yes, you can. Ligaments attach muscle to bone. When torn, they do not heal like muscles do and surgury is most often needed.

How are ligaments and cartilage functionally similar in joints?

No, tendons are not the same as ligaments. Unfortunately, I was absent a long time ago when my class learned about that. So here is something:People often talk about tendons and ligaments as if they are the same thing, but these two types of soft tissue actually perform different functions for the body.A tendon connects muscle to bone. These tough, yet flexible, bands of fibrous tissue attach to the skeletal muscles that move your bones. Tendons essentially enable one to move since they act as intermediaries between the muscles creating the motion of the bones.I'd say the most famous tendon is the Achilles tendon (named after the character Brad Pitt played in the movie Troy) which connects the muscles of your calf to your heel. Also, if you watch the tops of your hands while you type, you can see your tendons at work. Pretty cool, huh?So what's a ligament? If you want to know then read moreLigaments are similar to tendons, but they connect bone to bone and help to stabilize joints. They are composed mostly of long, stringy collagen fibers creating short bands of tough fibrous connective tissue.Ligaments are slightly elastic, so they can be stretched to gradually lengthen increasing flexibility. Athletes and dancers stretch their ligaments to make their joints more supple, and to prevent injury.Here's a cool fact: The term double-jointed refers to people who have more elastic ligaments.You might have heard of some of the ligaments found in the knee since they often tear, especially the ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) when skiing. In fact four ligaments connect the tibia (shin bone) to the femur (thigh bone) to provide structure for the knee.

Related questions

What is sprinkled ankle?

A sprained ankle refers to a strain or tear in the ligaments of the ankle itself. This often occurs during exercise or play.

What is ligaments tare?

A ligament tear is a common sports injury where the tough bands of connective tissue that connect bones at a joint become overstretched or damaged. This can result in pain, instability, and loss of normal joint function. Treatment typically involves rest, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgical repair.

What is a sprain.?

A sprain (from the French espraindre - to wring) is an injury which occurs to ligaments caused by being stretched beyond their normal capacity and possibly torn. Muscular tears caused in the same manner are referred to as a strain. In cases where either ligament or muscle tissue is torn, immobilization and surgical repair may be necessary.

WHAT provides a cushion wear and tear in a joint?

ligaments;] cartilage A+

What provids a cushion and prevents wear and tear in a joint?

ligaments;] cartilage A+

What providers a cushion and prevents wear and tear in a joint?

ligaments;] cartilage A+

Which of these terms means a stretch or tear ligaments?

A sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament.

What is the worst knee ligament to tear?

Your knee has four ligaments that are used for stabilization the ACL, LCL, PCL and MCL. Usually the ACL is the worst ligament to tear because it provides the most stability out of the four ligaments.

What is the correct definition of a sprain?

An injury to either a muscle or the tissue that connects muscle to bone (Called a Tendon) -Apex

Is a knee ligament tear a internal or external injury?

Internal or external to what? The knee joint? There are a number of knee ligaments e.g. anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are internal to the knee joint but the medial and lateral collateral ligaments are external to the knee joint

How far can a ligament stretch?

Ligaments must be able to stretch so that when the arm stretches, the ligament stretches too if it doesn't you will going to feel pain.

How does falling cause a labia minora tear?

The labia can either be stretched too far during a fall, causing a tear, or you might have accidentally hit it on something.