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Q: What occurs where the air hits the water and the water hits the land?
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Why do land breeze occurs?

Land cools more quickly than water. As the warmer air over the water rises, cooler air moves from the land to take its place. The flow of air form land to a body of water is called a land breeze.

What Occurs when air traveling over the water moves over land cools down and travels back over the water?

land breeze

How do you compare sea breezes and land breezes?

Sea breezes come from land and over the water, and happen in daytime. Land breezes come from water and over the land, and happen at night.

What Occurs when air traveling over land moves over water cools down and travels back over the land?

land breeze

Occurs when air traveling over land moves over water cools down and travels back over the land?

When air traveling over land moves over water and cools down and travels back it causes precipitation because the water is now full of water droplets.

Why water running down the window of the apartment when its winter?

When the humid indoor air hits the cold window condensation occurs i.e, the water vapor in the air turns into water droplets on the window.

What is the meaning of breezesland and sea breezes?

A land breeze occurs when a large body of water is warmer than the adjacent land so the air over the water rises and pulls air from the land to the water. This oftern happens at night aftwr the land has cooled. A sea breeze is the opposite. During the day, the land heats up faster than the water and the warm rising air over land pulls the cooler air in from over the water. GOOGLE Convection Currents in the atmosphere

What occurs when air traveling over land moves over water cools down and travels back?

When air traveling over land moves over water and cools down and travels back it causes precipitation because the water is now full of water droplets.

Air moving from land to water?

At night, land cools much more rapitly than ocean water. Air over the land becomes cooler than air over the ocean. Cooler, denser air above the land moves over the water, as the water rises. Movement if the air toward the water from the land is called land breeze.

What is always true when there is an ocean breeze?

When there is a land breeze, that means that the land is colder than the water. This occurs in the colder seasons, mainly winter. That is because water heats and cools slower than land. Therefore in the winter, the land cools faster than the water, and the water is warmer. So, the cold air from the land sinks and blows towards the sea.

What are differences between land breeze and sea breeze?

They are opposites. A sea breeze occurs when the land is warmer than the sea. Warm air rises over land, creating low pressure that draws in more air from the sea. At the same time cooler air sinks over the sea. A land breeze reverses this process, with air rising over the warm water, drawing air in from the cooler land.

How is land water and air to get the support the life sphere?

how does land water and air together support the lifesphere