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Q: What oceans countries or seas border your country?
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Related questions

How is Australia different to other countries in terms of land borders?

Australia shares no land border with any other country. It is surrounded entirely by oceans and seas.

Is Egypt landlocked?

no, it is not, you can check on a world atlas to see what countries are landlocked and which ones border seas and oceans.

How many seas and oceans does Luxembourg border?

it is landlocked so it does not touch any seas or oceans

Which countries and seas border Kiev Ukraine?

Kiev (as a city) does not border any countries or seas

Which countries and seas border the country Ukraine?

The sea of Azov, and the Black sea. thanx

What borders Russia on all sides?

Nothing borders Russia on all sides. There are seas, Oceans and eleven other countries that border it.

What are the surrounding oceans or seas of Switzerland?

There are NO oceans or seas surrounding Switzerland.Switzerland is a land-locked country in central Europe. It is surrounded by 5 other countries: France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Italy.

Which east Asian country does not have access to seas or oceans?

Mongolia is the East Asian country does not have access to seas or oceans.

What are the oceans and seas that border North America?

Atlantic and Pacific

What oceans or seas border Antarctica?

Pacific, Indian and Atlantic

What countries border three different seas?

if you mean the seas of 3 different oceans then only Canada russia France Britain & the united states but if you just mean 3 differently named seas then many more countries would qualify

What seas and oceans do Bosnia border with?

Bosnia borders only with Mediterranean sea.