

What of birds are omnivorous?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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11y ago

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birds like to eat food

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Q: What of birds are omnivorous?
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Yes, birds are omnivorous; the question is whether or not they will eat them.

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Australian omnivorous birds include:emuibismoorhenbrolgaPurple swamp henSouthern cassowaryAustralian magpie

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Crows are part of the Corvid familly of birds.

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For a start: crow, bluejay, bluebird, robin, starling

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The common blackbird is omnivorous. They eati: insects, earthworms, seeds and berries

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no Actually, YES. Wild turkeys (the birds) are omnivorous and will, in fact, eat meat.

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Birds an Mice share some of the characteristics like : i) They both eat grains. ii) they both are herbivorous , carnivorous and omnivorous.

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Hornbill Birds are omnivoes.

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prediters because they eat birds, birds eggs, small rodents and insects as well as berries, bamboo leaves and blossoms. They are omnivorous.

What do Emu do?

Emus, being flightless omnivorous birds, wander around during the day, pecking at interesting tidbits on the ground.

What do emus do everyday?

Emus, being flightless omnivorous birds, wander around during the day, pecking at interesting tidbits on the ground.

What birds are herbivores?

I don't know but I know some birds eat seeds and berries.. this is not an answer to Rather or not birds species eat only plant material , this only means that some birds are omnivorous (eat both plant-material and meat/insects) like us!