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Q: What of the following characteristics do all of the outer planets have in common?
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What characteristics do all outer planets have in common?

they al are outer planets.


they al are outer planets.

Which characteristics is common to the four outer plants in our solar system?

They are all gaseous planets with rings systems and many moons.

What are characteristics of outer planets?

They are all gas giants.

What characteristics set the inner planets apart from the outer planet and name the outer planets?

The inner planets are all rocky planets, whereas the outer planets are gas giants. Pluto is the exception. The outer planets also make 99% of our planets and are outside the asteroid belt.

What are 3 special characteristics of the three outer planets?

The inner and outer planets are The same because The Inner planets are not made out of gas The outer planets are bigger than inners The outer planets are the coldest The Inner planets are rocky The inner planets are terrestrial The outer planets can't support life The inner planets have iron cores The outer are the furthest from the sun The outer planets haveno rocky surface

What do outer planets have in common?

Outer planets are gas planets and they are outside the astroid belt and are further away from the sun.

What do all the outer planets have common?

They have in common is that they are the last planets in the solar system

What are 4 characteristics that all of the outer planets share?

all outer planets aremade of gashave a thick atmospherethey have ringsand they are huge

Why are the outer planets classified together?

Their characteristics are similar.

What is another name for the outer planets which describes their physical characteristics?

These four planets are known as the 'Gas Giant' planets.

What is the characteristics of the outer planets?

All outer planets have a gaseous atmosphere and are larger than planets the inner planets it also takes them longer to rotate the sun they are typically colder and have more moons.