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Q: What of the is not a strategy artist used to create depth?
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What what what what a strategy artist use to create depth?

Ornamentation or embellishment on objects was not used. A thing stood for itself.

Is not a strategy artist use to create depth?

Ornamentation or embellishment on objects was not used. A thing stood for itself.

What is NOT a strategy artists use to create depth?

Ornamentation or embellishment on objects was not used. A thing stood for itself.

What element of art is used to create depth in a picture?


What can This technique can be used to create the illusion of depth on a flat surface?

linear perspective :)

What is the element of art that is used to create depth in a picture?

pretty sure its space :)

What is multiple perspective?

A technique in which two or more vanishing points are used to create the illusion of depth on a flat surface..

when used together, perspective and color variation create what effects for the viewer?

The illusion of depth on a flat surface.

Which strategy can be used to make each episode in your story more vivid?

use snapshots to create a vivid picture

Which strategy can be used to make each episode in your short story vivid?

use snapshots to create a vivid picture

Which strategy can be used to make each episode in your short story more vivid?

use snapshots to create a vivid picture

Why would a differentiated marketing strategy be used?

With a differentiated marketing strategy, firms create more total sales because of broader appeal across market segments and stronger position within each segment