

What of the theories support social problems theory?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What of the theories support social problems theory?
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What are the theories of state origin please explain?

I believe what you are thinking of are the theories of: * Divine right; * Social Contract * Force * Evolution

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The 3 economic theoies are the evolution theory, force theory, and the divine right theory. Hope this helped. ... I thought those were the origin theories, and you forgot the Social Contract Theory.

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The "theory" is actually a multitude of theories relating to how our social expectations and responsibilites drive our behaviour. Each theory varies in its details.

What are the theories on the origin of the state?

The four theories of the State Origin are as follows: Evolutionary theory, Divine theory, Social Contract theory and Force theory. There are instances that consider an extra two which are the Patriarchal theory and Diving Right of Kings theory.