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Q: What of these will a doctor likely prescribe an antibiotic?
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The doctor will prescribe a antibiotic for that.

What is a good medicine to take for a staph infection?

See a doctor and they will likely prescribe an antibiotic such as penicillin

What kind of antibiotics are used for skin infection?

Most likely the doctor will prescribe both an oral antibiotic and a topical antibiotic. Usually the topical antibiotic prescribed is called Bactroban. This is just an ointment that is applied to the affected area. They will also give you an antibiotic to be taken by mouth. The doctor will choose which antibiotic to give you depending on the severity of the infection, as well as depending on any allergies you may have to certain medications. Hope this helps!

Im allergic to avelox antibiotic is hibiotic has the same class?

Tell your doctor of you allergy and you doctor will prescribe the correct treatment for you. DO NOT SELF MEDICATE.

Leukocyte esterase ua?

My leukocyte Esterace ua came indicating I have a moderate amount in my urine. Will my doctor prescribe an antibiotic?

How do you prescribe bacitracin?

Only a physician can prescribe medications, including antibiotics. The doctor picks an antibiotic most appropriate for the bacteria that infected you. The dosage depends on your illness, your conditions, your weight, and so on.

How do you heal a skin infection?

A doctor will prescribe antibiotic cream for a skin infection. The infection will need to be cleaned daily and covered with gauze.

How do you heal skin infection?

A doctor will prescribe antibiotic cream for a skin infection. The infection will need to be cleaned daily and covered with gauze.

Why should the doctor not prescribe antibiotics for you if you have a viral infection?

Because antibiotic kills bacteria not these are useless in viral infection..

Is a temperature of 39 degree Celsius dangerous for a 16 month old baby?

You should take baby to a doctor 40C is dangerous; a doctor may prescribe antibiotic.

Why are antibiotics always prescribed for a large cut to the mouth?

The doctor will prescribe an antibiotic because there is normally a large amount of bacteria present in the mouth.

Is cephalexin a good antibiotic for dental prophylaxis?

Prophylaxis means prevention . . . I do not believe any dentist or doctor in their right minds would prescribe an antibiotic to protect your teeth against a potential future infection.