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In my opinion again that would be the similar areas of this qualification and industry which is business so a bachelor in business, managment - logistics government ect

There are many which could be achieved with the formal qualification and knowldge. Again though relating to its feild and industry which is business.

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Q: What opportunities exist for job enrichment in accounting?
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Job enrichment usually includes increased responsibility, recognition, and more opportunities for growth, learning, and achievement. Large companies that have used job enrichment include IBM and DaimlerChrysler.

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What is mean by job enrichment please give some example?

You have a good job experience, working and holding a job. If you've been working at a varety of places doing the same type of work that can be considered job enrichment.

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job enrichment taps into the natural desire most employees have to do a good job, to be appreciated for their contributions to the company, and to feel more a part of the company team.

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There are various steps of job enrichment. Some of them include learning on the job, getting more training and applying some skills from experience among others.

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One advantage of job enrichment is the fact that it helps develop employees. A disadvantage is the fact that it takes a lot of coordination and can be counterproductive.

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Job enrichment has its roots in Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory, according to which two separate dimensions contribute to an employee's behavior at work.

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it exist because of lack of skills and qualification, lack of job opportunities ,retrenchment due to poor economic conditions etc