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Q: What options does the lpadmin command set?
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What is the name of the set of software rules?

They can only be called a few thing that I know of . Those are Either A Command Script of a configuration file or that of Array of If Else command that could be of a loop set of Configurations options.

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(1) Set clock command (2) Set data command (3) Set decimal command (4) Set device command (5) Set function command

Is the ls command in Linux equivalent to ls -FC?

The 'ls' command is the same in Linux and Unix systems. System Administrators may set up an alias that has the -FC or other options but the command itself with no other parameters (ls) is just the 'ls' command.

What is a box that contains options to carry out a command?

A Command box

How you check that path is set for java compiler?

Open command window "cmd" from Windows prompt. Type in "javac" in the window. The command should execute giving full usage of javac and its options. If you get an error message saying that "Javac is not a recognized as an internal or external command", than the Path has not been set.

What are some of the options available in UNIX command PS?

The 'ps' command may differ slightly in different versions of unix operating systems. It is usually better to use the 'man ps' command or the 'info ps' command to see the options that are available for your distribution.

What displays the options associated with a command?

Dialog box

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Xcopy Command Braat! Wiggas!

Which command illustrates how to obtain helpful documentation for the ls command?

Use either the 'man' command or the 'info' command with ls to get more information on options and output.

How do you pass command line arguments using turbo in c compiler?

In the Options menu the Arguments command.

Do all Linux commands have options associated with them?

No, but the grand majority of them do. For more information: $ man command $ command --help