

What organ absorbed by the large intestine?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What organ absorbed by the large intestine?
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In which organ is water absorb?

Water is absorbed in the large intestine.

What organ is involved in water absorption and feces formation?

The Kidney.definitely not the large intestine or colon.

What is the organ where nutrients is absorbed?

The organ where nutrients are absorbed is Small intestine

In which process is fiber absorbed into the large intestine?

it is absorbed in the small intestine before it gets absorbed back into the large instestine.

In what organ in the small intestine is food absorbed into the blood?

The jejunum.

What is the organ responsible for food and water absorption?

The small intestine is where most nutrients are absorbed, but the large intestine is responsible for most water absorption

Names of the materials are absorbed by the small and large intestine?

The small intestine absorbs nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, while the large intestine absorbs water and electrolytes. Examples of nutrients absorbed in the small intestine include glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids, while water and electrolytes like sodium and potassium are absorbed in the large intestine.

Where is water and min the blooderals from food absorbed into?

Nutrients are absorbed by the small intestine. water in absorbed into the large intestine.

Which organ absorbs water and vitamin k from digested food?

The large intestine absorbs water from digested food. Vitamin K is absorbed by the small intestine. Normal bacteria in the intestine seem to have an important role in vitamin K absorption.

Name the materials that are absorbed in the large intestine?

The primary function of the large intestine is to absorb any water and ions that have not been absorbed previously in the small intestine.

What is Large intestine job?

The large intestine filters the leftover food that could not be absorbed into your small intestine.

Where is water absorbed in digestive?

Water is absorbed in the large intestine.